How to Sell Insurance During the COVID-19 Era

By now, many people would have realized the importance of having insurance coverage. Insurance has always been a necessity long ignored by many. No one realizes its worth until they need it.

Insurance can give you protection against life uncertainties. Depending on the product that you get, you can be protected against income loss, total and permanent disability, and death.

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more consumers are buying insurance. While insurance sales have been suffering in the previous years, it has seen a sudden rise recently. The virus has killed hundreds of thousands in the US and people are starting to wonder what will happen if the breadwinner of the family gets infected and dies. Younger people are also buying more insurance products than older age groups.

If you are an insurance agent, you should take advantage of this awakening in the consumers. However, the old ways of selling insurance in this time of physical social distancing will not cut it anymore. Knocking on people’s doors or meeting up for coffee is not possible, due to the risks of contracting the Corona Virus and due to local restrictions as well.

Selling insurance, and letting people understand its benefits during a pandemic is not easy. However, making meaningful connections is still possible with the help of technology.

Make Use Of Your Social Media Network

Take advantage of the biggest network that you have at your fingertips. You can set up a separate Facebook page dedicated to your insurance business. Post stories of how much your clients have saved or how insurance helped a client during a very difficult time.

You can also share your clients’ testimonials, with their permission of course. Positive feedback gives you and your business credibility, which you will need with the doubters.

You can also use your page to announce and share your new products, promo offerings, and even inspiring insurance commercials. While negative news may not be good, you can share horror stories that are consequences of not buying certain insurance or following bad advice regarding insurance.

You can start to grow your social media network with your friends first. Ask them to share your posts or for referrals to widen your reach.

Here are some steps to take to extend your social media presence.

  • Optimize your page profile. Make it easy for people to find you. Let your page visitors know exactly what you do when they visit your page. You can also include your contact information so that they can easily get in touch with you.
  • Offer incentives and contests. These can rake in more followers and prospective clients for you. Through these, you can collect email addresses that you can use for your marketing.
  • Use other social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Instagram to reach a whole new set of prospective clients.

Take Your Insurance Business To The Cloud

Cloud-based CRM tools for insurance agents can help you do your business safely and more efficiently. With a cloud-based CRM in place, agents like you can pull the data and information that you need in real-time to serve your clients better and more effectively. You do not need to go to your office to get forms and to browse through physical files. All the data that you need is safely stored up in the cloud.

Keeping track of your clients’ data can be difficult. With a CRM in place, you can easily pull up information such as your client’s policy number and insurance coverage. You can also easily create different quotes for your clients to choose from.

Meet Your Clients Online

woman working using laptop

Do not let the pandemic stop you from reaching out to your existing and prospective clients. Communicate using video conferencing tools and chat platforms. Call your clients and ask how they are doing. You can proactively offer them payment relief options that may help them during this difficult period. Frequent and open communication is important, especially in this time of uncertainties. They may have questions on their coverage, and you can demonstrate to them the importance of the right and sufficient insurance coverage.

You can also meet with your prospective clients through several video conferencing platforms. These platforms allow you to share presentation decks, video clips, and documents to clearly demonstrate the benefits of different insurance products. This way, you can still reach out to your target clients safely and conveniently, amidst social distancing protocols.

Reduce your in-person interactions from the beginning to the closing of the deal. If you have to meet a client, make sure to take precautions, such as wearing face masks and gloves. Meet only for matters that cannot be done online. It can be a drive-through type of meeting to reduce the risks against the virus.

The pandemic has changed the facets of many industries. However, more than achieving that sales quota, you must show your clients compassion and the willingness to listen. You are, after all, in the business of helping people.

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