Cornhole: A Game That Brings Optimum Entertainment

Are you looking for an ideal way to entertain everybody in every family gathering and tailgate party? Follow the trend now by considering cornhole boards for sale online. Cornhole is a thrilling game that will enhance your mental skill and endurance, and it is continuously expanding worldwide. To provide you with proper expectation, here’s what you need to know when buying a cornhole set:

To play a game of cornhole, you’ll need the following:

  • 2 cornhole boards
  • 2 distinct groups of cornhole bags (4 bags for each team, so you’ll need 8 cornhole packs in total)
  • Two to twelve participants
  • an open area to situate the two boards (make sure the area is unobstructed for your convenience and fair play)
  • A measuring device (tape measure is useful). The placement of the two boards depends on your preferred skill level, but the typical distance between the boards is 27 feet.

How the Game Works

Team A is dedicated to cornhole board A to earn points and on the other side, where the board B situates, is where Team B will gain points. Playing the game seems easy; your team just needs to garner 21 points before your opponent does. But the several techniques that can be applied by the players to win the game make this game challenging and thrilling. Your opponent can make an offensive or defensive move, but each player can do both to earn higher points.

The game can last for several rounds until the required score to win is met. The next round comes when all the 8 cornhole bags have been used by players. The team who scores higher will do the first action for the next round, and the same rules continue.

Scoring Rules

Couple playing cornhole
  • When you successfully landed the cornhole bag on the board, you earn 1 point. Bags that are outside the board are worth no points.
  • When you’re able to make the cornhole sack through the hole, you receive 3 points.
  • If the bag that you tossed knocked the other bag that was on the board into the hole, your team gets 3 points.
  • If the bag has landed on the board but only half of it penetrates the board, you will get 1 point.

Here’s the catch, in each round, scores for each team will be calculated. If your team gets the lower score, your total points will be deducted from the overall score of the team with a higher score. For example, if Team A gets 20 points, and your group (Team B) gets 11 points, Team A will have 9 points before the next round starts.

A foul can also happen when playing cornhole. If your foot goes past the boundary line of the front of the board before throwing the sack, you need to get the bag back and do it again. But don’t worry, as you have one more chance to make the right move to gain points.

You can find the best cornhole set online. Through a wide array of designs and colors, you’ll definitely obtain the right set that suits your taste for an enjoyable backyard gaming experience.

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