Green Marketing: Making Money from Being Eco-friendly

Many people are concerned about the environment nowadays, with climate change and other earth-friendly matters. Many companies can benefit from this focus on ecological concerns by implementing earth-friendly changes in their operations.

Some businesses start as a way to help the environment while also making a profit. For example, reputable Barnwood suppliers offer reclaimed wood as a building material, recycling wood from various sources like old buildings and structures. Focusing on the benefits to the environment ensures that they can make their product desirable and positions them as an excellent alternative to fresh timber.

There have been several successful green marketing campaigns in the past few years. They leverage various digital platforms and technologies to ensure that they get maximum exposure. For companies who want to go into green marketing, here are some examples to follow.

Patagonia’s Don’t Buy This Jacket

One of the more interesting green campaigns out there is the one being run by Patagonia. A clothing brand might not be exactly the best example of being environmentally friendly, but the outdoor clothing brand is very dedicated to the idea.

A good example of this is its 2011 advertisement that warns away people from buying a brand-new jacket. It encouraged potential customers to try and buy a used Patagonia jacket instead, focusing on its long-lasting durability. This strategy might sound like the opposite of marketing. But the company reached a billion dollars in sales annually in 2017, and it seems to continue growing.

This is because it is not just pure advertising. The company also donates a lot to environmental causes. Additionally, it focuses on using the best possible materials in terms of the environment. Recycled, sustainable, organic materials are the hallmark of the Patagonia brand.

Ikea’s Steps

Another brand that has managed to leverage a good reputation for a green campaign is Ikea. The furniture brand has been making some interesting decisions when it comes to sustainability lately.

This is highlighted by its recent Steps campaign for opening its store in Greenwich, London. The entire store itself is made of sustainable construction materials and uses several green technologies. Ikea also encourages a form of participation for customers by asking them to go to the store by walking, which is a unique approach in encouraging green behavior.

Encouraging customer participation is also another hallmark of the company’s One Little Thing campaign. The company focuses on the minor changes that people can make so that they can contribute to the betterment of the environment. This can mean simply riding bikes to using more sustainable products.

employees working

The Body Shop’s Leaping Bunny

The Body Shop is a well-known brand that focuses on cosmetics and hygiene. It may not seem to have anything to do with being ecologically friendly, but the company has the coveted Leaping Bunny. This award marks that the company’s products are not tested on any animals.

Besides that, the company contributes a lot to various social causes. One of their more interesting initiatives is the promise that the company’s packaging will be 100 percent renewable while using 10 percent less.

Hershey’s Sustainability

The famous candy company, Hershey, has been taking massive steps forward to being ecologically friendly. Cocoa, which is the foundation of any chocolate company, is notorious for being difficult to farm.

But Hershey is quite proud of its initiative to make its sources for cocoa 100 percent sustainable. They provide support for their farmers and do their best to combat farmer poverty in their source countries like Ghana. Besides that, it has also reduced waste in its packaging massively. The logistics system behind the company also reduced emissions by a massive 27 percent.

What to Focus On

These campaigns have several things in common. One is that all these companies are very honest about their approach. They are not doing this campaign to get some environmental points. Customers like companies being genuine, and they can see when it is true.

Another factor is that many of these campaigns operate on multiple channels, with some of the latest technologies showcased. This can help catch the eye and reach as many people as possible.

Finally, many of these campaigns focused not on just selling something to customers but also educating them. The result is that the people who encountered the campaign came away knowing more about how they can help the environment. This makes them more eager to participate in the campaign.

For companies who want to be socially responsible while getting more customers, green marketing is the way to go. The campaigns above should give a hint at what you should be looking for in your campaigns.

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