New Skills For The New Normal: 7 Skill You Need To Navigate COVID-19

We are living in extraordinary times. The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered us into uncharted territory where we need to learn how to adapt.

A lot of businesses that were shut down at the onset of the pandemic have been allowed to reopen under the condition that the CDC’s reopening guidelines be strictly implemented. Whatever your business is, whether it’s a car dealership, mortgage refinancing, or a friendly neighborhood grocery store, you need to follow the said guidelines.

With the changes that are happening in the workplace, certain skills are needed to ensure that you will thrive amid the threats of the coronavirus.

7 Skills to Add to Your Arsenal to Successfully Navigate COVID-19

Workplace Adaptability

One of the most needed skills in the world today in light of the pandemic is adaptability. By definition, adaptability is the skill that allows an individual to fully function under different the best and worst conditions.

The ability to adapt and roll with the changes, especially with the many pandemic-induced changes we’re going through now, is one of the most sought-after traits that employers are looking for. To say that the present workplace now is dynamic is a huge understatement.

Self-Reliance and Independence

When we say independence and self-reliance, we’re not just talking about financial independence nor isolation from others. In the context of work, self-reliance and independence are defined as the ability to think and work independently on the task at hand with minimal supervision.

It also denotes that a person has the initiative to take immediate action and takes ownership and full responsibility for the tasks delegated to them.

Managing Time Effectively

time management

The ability to fully maximize and optimize your time at work guaranteeing the highest output level is an essential skill, especially at this time. A lot of companies have either shortened their operating hours or shortened their employees’ shifts. Effective time management is needed to ensure maximum productivity despite the reduced working hours.

Resilience and Grit

A person’s ability to respond and rise up to challenges is an asset for any company today. Given the various challenges the coronavirus threw our way, employers and managers are looking for people with grit and determination to push through and finish the task at hand despite unfavorable odds.


While teamwork is important even before the pandemic came, it needs to be taken to a higher level of what we call collaborative ingenuity. Under this new definition, collaborative work beings about a greater sense of individual responsibility raising motivation levels. It also allows for people to come together to brainstorm and share different ideas that are beneficial for all. Given that, the ability to work with other people is now more important than ever.


Creativity, simply put, is the ability to come up with immediate solutions to a concern with the resources you have at hand. This creativity puts you in a position to be a problem solver more than an innovator, although that’s also a good thing. It also allows one to be more open to learning new concepts and ideas that could prove valuable to the organization.

Tech Savviness

With most businesses and establishments shifting to online platforms, the need for tech savviness also ranks up high in recruitment and hiring searches.

While basic computer knowledge is always good, most employers are looking for more advanced individuals to help their company convert leads into sales and closed deals.

Work on building these skills and making them a staple in your arsenal. With some hard work and determination, you can incorporate these skills into your system to make habits out of them.

The need to adapt is real and if you expect to come out of this pandemic in one piece, you need to start making the necessary adjustments.

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