The Magic of Mangoes: Treating the Whole Family with One Fruit

Mango, the popular summer fruit, is lauded for a lot of things but rarely for its versatility as an ingredient. Aside from being packed with nutrients and antioxidants, it can be added to any savory dish, dessert, or beverage that warrants its distinctly sweet or sour flavor.

This list looks at the uses of mango puree. Of course, a great recipe rests on how fresh the produce is. Make sure to only look for expert mango puree manufacturers to get the most of what many regard as the “king of fruits.”

So what can you do with pureed mango?

For brewing

Fruit beers are probably the best use for a couple of reasons. One, the brew brings out the best of the fruit’s sweetness at the peak of its ripeness. And two, the flavor combinations are endless. You can brew it to taste zesty, tangy, bittersweet, or full-on fruity and citrusy. Not to mention the smooth and aromatic smell of the resulting craft beer.

You can also create mocktails with mango puree. You can mix the puree with ginger beer and add a cup of lime zest to create your own Mango Mule drink.

For making desserts

Got a sweet tooth? Mango products aren’t just notoriously delicious; they’re a healthier alternative, too.

You can ditch the unhealthy flavors and mix mango puree with your favorite plain Greek yogurt. You can take it a step further by adding vanilla and lime and making your mango smoothie, the perfect drink for the summer season!

You can add mango puree to almost every dessert. Mix it with gelatin powder and cream to create a mango mousse. Whip it with heavy cream, caster sugar, and cream cheese, and you’ll get your own mango cheesecake. Or combine puree, yogurt, and coconut cream for the perfect mango parfait.

For baking

assorted cupcakes

Mango puree also goes excellent with a variety of baking goods that you can serve for snacks.

You can add fresh mango puree when you bake a pound cake, sponge cake, or chiffon for a sweet, soft, moist feel in your mouth after a hearty dinner. You can also whip mango puree, vanilla, and heavy or sour cream for that delectably sweet cupcake topping.

Or why not bake it into a batch of mango blondies? Get extra by topping your mango bars with even more mangoes, diced or dried, before putting them in the oven.

For making dips and dressings

Who says you can’t add mango puree to savory dishes, too?

In Asian countries, mango puree is a critical ingredient in making the best mango curry dishes. Out here, though, mango is a prevalent ingredient in most dips, dressings, and sauces. Try mixing mango puree with maple syrup, lime juice, or avocado mush to make a variety of spreads for your slices of bread. You can even sprinkle some cayenne pepper or add jalapenos for that contrasting kick.

Make your salad stand out by combining mango puree with lime, honey, olive oil, and your preferred spices to make a one-of-a-kind mango salad dressing.

Baby food

It might be new knowledge, but it’s hardly surprising that mango puree can be an excellent treat for infants. Mangoes are easy to eat and have nutrients that your babies need.

You can even serve mango puree as it is. You can add a little water or honey to adjust the consistency to your baby’s liking, and maybe add small chunks of mangoes.

As you can see, you can use mango puree on dishes for practically every member of the family. Now you know what to prepare for your summer outings!

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